I was directed to the article below by my dear Kingwood Area Democrat friend Deborah Mowrey at just the time as I was doing some other blogging on the Texas financial massacre that will set the state back likely for a decade. Shame on the Texas Republican cabal. Warren Buffett knows what he is talking […]
Final State Budget Vote Coming Up Today – Call your Legislators!
Final State Budget Vote Coming Up Today – Call your Legislators! State senators and state representatives will vote today on a final budget proposal (House Bill 1) that will cut BILLIONS of dollars to public schools, college financial aid, hospitals, public safety and critical state jobs. At least $6 billion will be left unspent in […]
The Kingwood Area Democrats Welcomes Houston Mayor Annise Parker
The Kingwood Area Democrats Welcomes Houston Mayor Annise Parker Come enjoy an evening of refreshments and dialog with Mayor Annise Parker. Do not miss your opportunity to engage and have your questions answered. Date: Wednesday June 1st, 2011 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Lone Star College Kingwood Classroom Bldg. A (CLA), Teaching Theater 20000 Kingwood Dr., […]
Get Government Off His Back!
by Former Senator Fritz Hollings "A veteran returning from Korea went to college on the GI Bill, bought his house with an FHA loan, saw his kids born in a VA hospital, started a business with an SBA loan, got electricity from TVA and, later, water from an EPA project. His parents, living on Social […]
Diane Trautman Of Kingwood TX Editorial In Kingwood Observer 2011-05-25
We Need Less Posturing, More Problem Solving by Diane Trautman Great article by our own Diane Trautman. She is very active in the community and is an active member of the Kingwood Area Democrats. She understands the issues that are affecting the state and the country both from her personal and professional experience. Diane Trautman […]
Marching Orders To Regain COngress Begins Now. Liberals & Progressives Must Follow This Template
Democrat Kathy Hochul defeated Republican Jane Corwin in a special election in a very Republican district in New York that was fought specifically on Paul Ryan’s Medicare killing bill. What is sad is if a Republican had knocked off a Democrat in a very heavily Democratic district, it would be rolling throughout the day on […]
Republican Congressman Rob Woodall In Townhall Shows Republican Disdain For The Middle Class
This is a sad commentary but must go viral. It illustrates what Republicans really think about the middle class. They enjoy attacking programs that provide the middle class with a humane safety net whose purposes is to correct the aberrations that can occur in capitalism. The GOP simply does not get it. They believe there […]
Republicans Throwing Grandma Off A Cliff (VIDEO)
During the healthcare debate in 2009 the Republicans successfully had seniors believing the new law would kill grandma or throw grandma off the bus. They said the law had death panels and would take control away from your doctor. Of course none of that was true. Interesting enough, Paul Ryan’s new budget proposal would do […]
Kingwood Area Democrats Phone Banking At KPFT Radio May 20th, 2011
The Kingwood Area Democrats participated in a fund drive for KPFT FM 90.1, Pacifica Houston TX. This is a Progressive radio station with a history of supporting the causes of all Americans. It is a station that was bombed by the KKK and even recently has been shot through windows by presumed Right Wing sympathizers. […]
Kingwood Area Democrats Rally At Kings Street Patriots New Headquarters
Kingwood Area Democrats and several other Progressive and Democratic organizations participated in the rally at the opening of the King Street Patriots new headquarters on May 16th, 2011. The event was attended by Texas Governor Rick Perry and House Representative Ted Poe. They entered the event undetected. This is the group that is responsible for […]