Excellent article by Annabel Park And Eric Byler, founders of the Coffee Party movement. They’ve hit the nail on the head. The reality is that given that we currently have the media not only virtually under the complete control of a few corporations but also under control of a point of view that ensures all […]
Medicare: 6 things you need to know
While Congress debates the future of Medicare you or someone in your family may need to know about changes to Medicare that are already rolling out. Last year’s health care law, The Affordable Care Act, made some important changes to Medicare that improve benefits and aim to cut program costs whilst other changes like the […]
Cornell West Calling President Obama “a black mascot of Wall Street" Nothing But A Media Play
Cornell West is hurt that the President has not come calling. And for that he uses the poor, indigent, and middle class as his prop to attack the President as a "a black mascot of Wall Street". What is funny is that while the President worked the trenches with the middle class, poor, and indigent […]
Karen And Bruce Menke Of Kingwood, TX Letter To The Editor – Kingwood Observer 2011-05-18
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: http://amzn.to/dt72c7 – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
When Fallacies And False Narratives Meet Reality
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: http://amzn.to/dt72c7 – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
Newt Gingrich Called An Embarrassment By An Iowa Conservative For Slamming Paul Ryan Killing Medicare
It is amusing to see Newt Gingrich attacked by Conservatives in Iowa. The funny thing is what got him in trouble is a true statement. Newt Gingrich called Paul Ryan’s Healthcare Plan tantamount to a far Right Wing plan. He eluded to it being a voucher system that would kill Medicare. Ironically, Newt Gingrich in […]
Great Ted Video: The Internet And Social Network May Need to Tweak Personalization Filter To Live Up To Its True Potential
The premise of Eli Pariser’s speech at TED really made me think. While I do not think Facebook or Google are trying anything other trying to improve the user’s experience and provide relevant information to the user, Eli shows the limitation of the current filtering. While we want personalized data, we do not want only […]
Gingrich Grilled On Meet The Press About Three Marriages And Cheating On His Wife
I really do not care about Gingrich’s extramarital affairs or the character of his current wife as she cheated with the husband of his sick wife. What I do care about is the hypocrisy of not only Gingrich but the Conservative media that covers him. That Common could have had such a long week on […]
The Immigration Debate–The Answer Is Really Simple
The immigration debate relative to undocumented persons currently in the country is not a complex issue at all. Formulating the immigration issue as a wedge between people is what makes its resolution complex. Only by knowing the facts and mitigating these in a pragmatic but not necessarily ideologically pure manner will the immigration issue be […]
Fallacies And False Narratives Meet Reality–Middle Class Will Eventually Feel Reality And Wake Up
Fallacies and false narratives are like cancers in a society. Just like a cancer can go undetected for years without causing any real damage to the body, so can fallacies and false narratives destroy the fabric of a nation. In fact some cancers even when detected can be managed for an indefinite amount of time […]