The monumental hypocrisy of Newt Gingrich is evident from the video below. He attacks the President on the individual mandate that forces every able bodied American to purchase insurance even though he supported it in the past. Moreover the value of having an individual mandate is demonstrably a fiscally responsibility stance. Newt Gingrich proves exactly […]
Thank you Mr. President…You’re Awesome … Just a Snippet Of Your Accomplishments
I received this email from my mother earlier today. I was taken aback because most of the times I get any chain letters with President Obama in the title, it is usually a hateful misleading chain letter intent on misinforming Americans into doubting arguably one of the most thoughtful, thinking, pragmatic, and effective presidents we […]
President Obama Should Get Off The Free Trade Bandwagon. It is Anti-American, Anti-Middle Class, and Unpatriotic
President Obama met with the President of the country I am originally from, Panama last week. The signature point in the US/Panamanian relationship seems to be the free trade mantra. Inasmuch as a free trade agreement with Panama would likely increase employment in Panama, it is disingenuous to state that it will increase jobs in […]
Osama Bin Laden Didn’t Change America–Corporations and The Military Industrial Complex Did
This is a partial response to PunjabiPower’s CNN iReport titled "Osama’s Mystique and American Propaganda". It is time for Americans to stop being children and followers of their leaders blindly. Just like the greed of corporations and the military industrial complex used the irresponsibility & gullibility of the Bush administration that nearly caused the […]
Funny But Wouldn’t You Like President Obama To say This Just once? Maybe In a Joking Manner?
The President passed a less than optimum stimulus heavy on tax cuts and less on infrastructure which gives more to the wealthy and less to the middle class. This was not enough. President Obama decided not to institute the more middle class friendly Medicare for all and instead allowed insurance companies to continue pilfering the […]
Bill Maher – President Obama Destroys Fallacy Of Republicans Being Party of National Security And Fiscal Responsibility
It is said that if you keep repeating something over and over again without anyone vigorously refuting it, it can take on a semblance of truth. For years Republicans had successfully convinced many Americans that it was the party of fiscal responsibility and national security. Irrespective of the facts that the majority of both the […]
President Obama Proves His Commander In Chief Chops As He Fulfills Campaign Promise On Capture/Killing Osama Bin Laden
When President Obama was running many considered him a lightweight in military issues. Even Candidate Hillary Clinton implied that with her three o’clock phone call commercial. During the campaign, President Obama categorically stated that if necessary he would enter Pakistan or any other country unilaterally to get Osama Bin Laden irrespective. Many criticized him for […]
CEO Pay Skyrocket As GOP Indoctrinated Continue Support For Tax Cuts For Those that Profit From Exporting Middle Class Jobs
Is your blood boiling yet? We deficit spend to support and aid corporations over the hump during the Great Recession. We lend corporations billions at near zero percent interest while they loan it back to the middle class at interest rates north of 15%. The working man is paying up to 35% in taxes as […]
If Republican Debate Representative of GOP field President Obama Wins In A Landslide
I watched the debate and was not sure if I was watching Saturday Night Live or the Real Republican debate. I must say it was entertaining. What was evident is that Ron Paul and Gary Johnson do not belong in the Republican Party. I found myself agreeing with Ron Paul’s stance on the Federal Reserve […]
Deborah Mowrey Letter To The Editor In Houston Chronicle May 5th, 2011 “Principals Really Matter”
Kingwood Area Democrats’ Deborah Mowrey pulled a double this week in getting her excellent writing printed in both the Kingwood Observer and the Houston Chronicle this week. We are very proud of her activism which is and will continue to be necessary going forward to ensure that we do not allow our nation its continued […]