The following article was written by Deborah Mowrey, Kingwood Area Democrats’ Publicity Chairman. The article details how policy affects real people. Unfortunately most Americans are generally influenced by easy to understand and snappy sounding slogans. The ultimate one, TEA Party for Tax Enough Already Party, is easy to understand but far from reality. Tax and […]
Bexar County Dem Chair Dan Ramos Ousted By Democrats As Prejudice and Racism Not Tolerated By Party
This is how a party should deal with its racists/prejudice members in leadership. One should not make excuses for them. One should not defend them. One should not leave them in office to allow them to spread the cancer of hate. One cannot help but be proud of the Bexar County Democratic Party leaders who […]
Two Term President Rap–America Is Number One (Video)
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: – Twitter:
President Obama Has Effected The Capture And Killing Of Osama Bin Laden In Pakistan (VIDEO)
President Obama has effected the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden. He has accomplished the task in 2 years 4 months what President Bush was unable to do in 7 years with his misguided and illegal wars. Inasmuch as many shenanigans by the Republican Party would have distracted many a President, President Obama has […]
President Obama’s Press Conference At Tornado Devastation In Tuscaloosa Alabama (VIDEO)
This was a very well done press conference by President Obama, the governor of Alabama, and the mayor of Tuscaloosa. Note that this President did not take several days to see the damage or acknowledge the damage as did Simulated President George Bush. This President showed that irrespective of loyalties he went into the lion’s […]
Faux Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump Curses As He Unleashes The F-Bomb In Las Vegas (Video)
GOP Potential Republican Candidate Donald Trump in a speech in Las Vegas this week curses, using the F-Bomb. Now think about this, had this been Obama can you see the supposedly Liberal Media playing it 24/7. I can already hear CNN questioning whether it is presidential to speak like that. I can see FoxNews breaking […]
Middle Class Rising Up Against Paul Ryan’s Budget. They differ from the Tea Party in that they are not hoodlums. They know the material.
It is a pleasant surprise but a welcome surprise to see a knowledgeable but civil middle class finally rise up against the continued bad policy by the Republican congress people. The Republican politicians really believed they had a mandate to pilfer the middle class. Problem is that they are completely reading Americans incorrectly. Unfortunately the […]
Senator Reid Is Correct. The Tea Party Is A Dying Fad. Many are waking up to having been used
A friend emailed me this note a few hours ago and it got me to thinking. I have been to several Tea Party events. They have been progressively getting smaller and less confrontational. Here in Texas, we have a budget problem caused by a structural defect in revenue acquisition. In other words we make Texas […]
Lawrence O’Donnell Of The Last Word Gives Rush Limbaugh A Biblical Smack down For Misquotation Of The Bible
It is about time. Many on the Right revel in quoting the Bible to justify their ways. For years I have been advocating that Liberals use the bible against the Right for their provably non-biblical ways. In fact back in 2004 I wrote a blog calling the Right the new Pharisees. I gave detailed reasons […]
The Myth of Obama’s Big Spending Is Refuted By Factual Information. Will Republicans Maintain Willful Ignorance
Willful ignorance is bliss. Republicans will refuse to read factual information because it puts into context the fact that their policies unsustainable. Willful ignorance can generally be ignored. When it comes to the survival of a nation it is evil. When it materially hurts the middle class it is evil. When it runs the real […]