It is about time that the Left fight the Right with biting facts as opposed to diplomatic and tepid responses. I am impressed that the ad goes directly to the punch line. Republicans are lying about protecting Medicare. The fact is that they are not only completely destroying Medicare, they are continuing the pilfering of […]
Bill Maher’s Republican Commercial. Funny But Prescient. (VIDEO)
This a a funny commercial but the meaning is not at all far from the truth. Republicans unfazed support of reducing taxes on the wealthy makes this commercial not only funny or cynical but true in the Republican realm. In effect a plea to middle class Americans to transfer their wealth to the wealthy by […]
Tune In or Call “Liberal Politics Done Right” Saturday Noon to 4 PM CST
Tune in Saturdays between 12Noon and 4PM CST to my talk show at to discuss current political and social issues. This show differs in that you can interact with me and my guests real time. You may call into the show and be on live via Skype as well as by phone. I will […]
Vivid Example of Wall Street Journal Using Its Creditability To Mislead Middle Class Into Supporting Destructive Tax Policies
When the media is controlled by the wealthy or the corporate structure it becomes an entity that must never be trusted. Proof positive is the Wall Street Journal Editorial titled “Where the Tax Money Is” on April 18, 2011 in which it distorts the impact of increasing taxes on only the wealthy to substantially alleviate […]
Now Who Is Treading On Your Freedom? by Bob Henderson, Chairman of Kay County, OK, Democrats
Now Who Is Treading On Your Freedom? by Bob Henderson A couple of months ago, I wrote that Democrats envy voters’ almost universal understanding of the Republican governing principles of low taxes, small government and a strong defense. What we Democrats stand for is not nearly so well known to the general public, at least […]
This video is a microcosm of those associated with the Tea Party. I have been to many and this is representative
Some will say that the video below is not representative of those in the Tea Party. Unfortunately this is a microcosm of the average member of the Tea Party. They are characterized mostly by being slogan and talking point throwing puppets. Tea Partiers tend to get their information from Right Wing Talk radio and FoxNews. […]
Kingwood Observer Article (2011-04-20) Resolution Of Federal Budget Impasse Will Define Our Nation
Click here for PDF of this article. My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: – Twitter:
Kingwood Area Democrats Support Recycling
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: – Twitter:
Republican Congressman Paul Ryan Booed As He Defends Tax Breaks For the Wealthy. Great Video
Could it be that the Republicans have fooled the middle class one time too many? Could it be that finally the middle class is understanding that they are being pilfered irrespective of the fallacies being touted by the Republicans? Sadly, the middle class’ attention span has generally been short and it is this that Republicans […]
Where is the media As Class Warfare by The Wealthy Against The Middle Class Accelerates
The Royal Wedding planning in the United Kingdom is cycled throughout the day. Provably imbecilic statements made by Mr. Donald Trump are displayed for public consumption throughout the day. Sadly, none of these stories have a material effect on anyone’s lives. It has no effect on the financial well-being of the middle class. The AFL-CIO […]