Let’s Not Be Civil By PAUL KRUGMAN Last week, President Obama offered a spirited defense of his party’s values — in effect, of the legacy of the New Deal and the Great Society. Immediately thereafter, as always happens when Democrats take a stand, the civility police came out in force. The president, we were […]
"16 Corporations or We the People?" Trickle-down Economics Destroying You And The Middle Class
This is an excellent video that needs to go viral. It is tiring to watch middle class Americans allow our corporations, our oligarchy, our plutocracy to pit middle class against lower middle class against poor in order to continue policies that material pilfer them all. My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only […]
Want To See Class Warfare Against The Middle Class In Action? It Did Not Trickle Down
The Republicans continue to sing the song of how high taxes are on the wealthy and corporations. They state if the wealthy and corporations, the supposed job creators, are given even more tax cuts that somehow we will bring the budget into balance because the cut in taxes will create more tax paying jobs. What […]
President Obama’s Speech On His Plan For Reducing The National Debt
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: http://bit.ly/aB9Zkz – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
Watch Sarah Palin Booed in Madison by a Huge Middle Class Crowd (2011-04-16)
My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: http://bit.ly/aB9Zkz – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
Podcast Of My Show Liberal Politics Done Right 2011-04-16 #p2 #tcot #teaparty
This is the podcast for my April 16th, 2011 show on The Force 925. This weeks topics included: Discussed GOP Paul Ryan’s Budget(http://1.usa.gov/etbHI3) Discussed President Obama’s Budget (http://1.usa.gov/dMerxn) Contrasted GOP/Conservative Tenets vs Democratic/Liberal Tenets Discussed to Rob A Country own a bank(http://youtu.be/sA_MkJB84VA, http://youtu.be/ISsR7ZiWlsk, http://youtu.be/F_xdQyfNLnc, http://youtu.be/aQbcNP0MUQY, http://youtu.be/IENsfk40sYU). The Billionaires’ Tea Party (Proof Tea Party Is Nothing […]
Two Visions Of America by Bob Henderson, Chairman of Kay County, OK, Democrats
Two Visions Of America by Bob Henderson We now have heard from both sides of the debate we will be having for the next 18 months. President Barack Obama and the Democrats on one side, Republicans in Congress on the other. Their visions of America could hardly be more different. Republicans have said tax increases […]
Being more useful with my energy in my green home office
Guest post written by Danielle Grant I’m kind of forgetful so when I leave my home office to do something in another part of the house, I forget to turn off the lights and then get distracted by something else. I end up leaving my lights on for too long and waste energy. I think […]
Tune In or Call “Liberal Politics Done Right” Saturday Noon to 4 PM CST
Tune in Saturdays between 12Noon and 4PM CST to my talk show at http://TheForce925.net to discuss current political and social issues. This show differs in that you can interact with me and my guests real time. You may call into the show and be on live via Skype as well as by phone. I will […]
President Obama Caught on Open Mic Hard Balling on Budget Negotiations
I am very happy this leaked out. I have been telling our side that while we are not privy to the back door dealings, my gut is that President Obama is much tougher behind closed doors than on camera unlike Bush who was all bravado in front of the camera and a stooge for the […]