Liz Lin writes a powerful piece. More impressive is the author’s clear headed response to stereotypes explicit and implicit. The race issue isn’t binary.
Senator Elizabeth Warren joins Senate Leadership Team
Elizabeth Warren will join the Senate Democratic leadership team, Her title will be strategic policy adviser to the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee.
Is Greg Abbott palling around with terrorists?
Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott is seen posing with border militia member Kevin Lyndel Massey at campaign event in Brownsville.
Alison Lundergan Grimes endorsed by major Kentucky Newspapers
The Courier-Journal & Lexington Herald-Leader endorsed Alison Lundergan Grimes for Senate. Disaffected Republicans and independents your choice is clear.
Partisan Gridlock with Geoff Berg on KPFT – Guest Hosts Mike Honig and Egberto Willies
Mike Honig and Egberto Willies guest hosted on Partisan Gridlock with Geoff Berg. We discussed voter ID, Liberalism, Conservatism, and much more.
The Julianna Forlano Show – Guests Egberto Willies & Adam Weismann
On tonight’s episode on the Julianna Forlano Show we discuss the hope and the pain. They discuss the 2014 midterm elections and the TPP.
Three minutes on Ebola worth watching on Chuck Todd’s MTP. Really! (VIDEO)
Chuck Todd and finally put on a substantive program showing what good journalism could look like. America must know these facts on the Ebola scare.
Elizabeth Warren slams banks for cruel treatment of parents of deceased daughter with student loan
Elizabeth Warren calls out banks Elizabeth Warren showed her disgust with banks in the manner in which they handle student loan issues with those afflicted with financial problems. She provided the following story reported by CNN Money. When his 27-year old daughter Lisa died suddenly of liver failure five years ago, Steve Mason was as […]
Politics Done Right on KPFT – America can afford Medicare for all
This week’s show July 7th, 2014 America can afford Medicare for all Last week while performing my engineering duties on KPFT’s Thinkwing Radio with Mike Honig, a rather disturbing call came from a caller. The caller was not a bad person. The caller was not ill willed. The caller simply bought into the tenet that […]
With Mass Incarceration, U.S. is Guilty of a Slow Motion Genocide
With Mass Incarceration, U.S. is Guilty of a Slow Motion Genocide If this were happening anywhere else in the world, Americans would be justifiably horrified: 1 out of every 100 adults are living behind bars in the United States, with 1 in 31 in some sort of correctional control, including prison, jail, parole, and probation. […]