Every Democrat, Centrist, Progressive, Liberal, Moderate, and Republican/Blue Dog Democrat capable of objective thinking should listen to this video. I know many have been critical of the President including yours truly many times. My criticism was that he was too willing to work for bipartisanship when there was never a partner willing to work with […]
Medical Expenses Push 10 Million More Americans into Poverty–Obamacare will rescue most in 2014
It is sad that many Americans believe they would actually be better off with the repeal of The Affordable Healthcare Act better known as Obamacare (a name I think President Obama should embrace as “Obama cares”. An excellent article titled “New Census Poverty Measure Shows Medical Expenses Push 10 Million More Americans into Poverty “, […]
We Need Jobs for Our Returning Heroes–Make Sure Congress Really Supports Our Troops
Today the Senate will vote on the President’s plan to put our veterans back to work. Republicans are considering voting for the bill because, as an aide to Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell told the Wall Street Journal: “the key was that the provision would not be paid for with tax increases on the rich” […]
The Story of Broke (2011) WE ARE NOT BROKE! The Country Is Rich
http://bit.ly/storyofbroke — The United States isn’t broke; we’re the richest country on the planet and a country in which the richest among us are doing exceptionally well. But the truth is, our economy is broken, producing more pollution, greenhouse gasses and garbage than any other country. In these and so many other ways, it […]
BREAKING News: DC Court on Rick Perry’s Redistricting Maps
DC COURT: RICK PERRY’S REDISTRICTING MAPS DO NOT SATISFY REQUIREMENTS OF VOTING RIGHTS ACT DC Trial Forthcoming; San Antonio Federal Court to Proceed on Interim Maps Moments ago, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia denied the State’s motion for summary judgment on the Republican-drawn maps for U.S. House of Representatives, State […]
What Does The Defeat Of The Right Wing Policies Mean To Middle Class America
This Election Day, Americans rejected Ohio Gov. Kasich’s anti-middle class agenda, Maine Republicans’ anti-democratic voting law, and Mississippi GOP’s extreme "personhood" proposal, while Arizona Republican state lawmaker Russell Pearce and Michigan Republican Rep. Paul Scott were fired outright. An important message out of this election is that if we have middle class centric policies and […]
Gloria Allred 4th Herman Cain Sexual Harassment Accuser Sharon Bialek Comes Forward
It is sad that what will likely bring down Herman Cain’s poll numbers is likely less than credible sexual harassment charges instead of his complete incompetence.Don’t get me wrong, I think Herman Cain is probably a flirt. I am unqualified to specifically state whether anything he has done would qualify as sexual harassment. I am […]
Canon Batteries
I have a lot of Canon equipment. Normally I would purchase Canon camera batteries directly from the manufacturer. The reality is generally all these manufacturers have the same sourcing. So one must ask the question why should you ever purchase these items from the manufacturer again. Do you need Canon battery chargers? Then BatteryHeads.com has […]
Kingwood Observer Article (2011-11-02) Teachers: The Bastion and Backbone of a Striving America
PDF of Article My Book: As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom Book’s Webpage: http://amzn.to/dt72c7 – Twitter: http://twitter.com/egbertowillies
If American’s Want To Live The American Dream We Must Move To Denmark–Inequality Matters
For decades, Richard Wilkinson has studied the social effects of income inequality and how social forces affect health. In The Spirit Level, a book coauthored with Kate Pickett, he lays out reams of statistical evidence that, among developed countries, societies that are more equal – with a smaller income gap between rich and poor — […]