The Iraq War is finally ending and our troops are coming home. After nine years of sacrifice from our men and women in uniform, Iraq is a stable and independent democracy. Now that the Iraqis are able to protect their people and run a government, President Obama is bringing our troops home to their families […]
Teachers Are the Bastion and Backbone of A Striving America–Firing Them You Destroy Society
When I was growing up in Panama teachers were the bastion of respect. We all knew they were the real leaders. To this day I can still call out every one of my teachers by name and I can still remember what part of my life they were instrumental in molding. Even as an adult […]
Occupy Wall Street #OWS is no Tea Party–It is real Americans taking America back
Do not confuse the Occupy Wall Street movement with the Tea Party movement which should really be called the Tea Party racism movement. This movement was really grassroots as opposed to the astro turf movement that is the Tea Party movement.
Jobs Vs Tea Party Based Republican Economics–A Must Read
Today is President Obama’s 1000th day in office. Likewise today is the 1000th day of right-wing pundits and Republican politicians rooting for him to fail. Later this week, the Senate will likely vote on a part of the President’s American Jobs Act to put more of our teachers, firefighters, and cops back on the job. […]
You Must Know About Medicare Part D
It is a blessing that we ultimately got medicare part d. This program is an insurance program that assists in payments for medicine and other medical drugs. Now that this is a standard program, many wonder why it took so long to get this type of program. As one must know by now, there are […]
EVIDENCE CLEAR: Republican politicians would rather see the President fail than put Americans back to work.
Senate Republican Leader McConnell said it’s "ridiculous" to suggest that Republicans are rooting against the economy just to hurt the President politically. But the evidence over the 1000 days of Obama’s presidency clearly shows otherwise. Republican leaders said they want the President to fail: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell: "The single most important thing we […]