You still hear it all the time from Republicans running on Obamacare repeal: “We’ve got the best healthcare system in the world.” Yeah, well. We’re number 44!!! This ranking of healthcare efficiency was done by Bloomberg, examining “health care costs as a share of GDP and per capita, as well as life expectancy and improvements […]
Election Diary Rescue: Week 40
The following diaries are examples of this week’s Election Diary Rescue. This post features a collection of 96 diaries. (IA-Sen) New Ad: “Will No One Think of the Chickens???” (Update) by Crashing Vor – Diarist has a video for the open Iowa Senate race between Bruce Braley (D) and Joni Ernst (R). (AK-AL) RWNJ Congressman: “The […]
Larry Pressler sat on board of company while it defrauded investors of millions
We don’t need another senator who hangs out on the lecture circuit with these guys. Fix the Debt isn’t the only dubious group South Dakota Senate candidate Larry Kessler has associated with. While Fix the Debt is a bunch of deficit frauds, Kessler’s sat on the board of a company that was actually defrauding investors […]
Larry Pressler lies about Larry Pressler’s views on Roe v. Wade
Check out Larry Pressler, running for the U.S. Senate as an independent in South Dakota, debating Larry Pressler: October 2, 2014: ARGUS LEADER: If it was an up or no vote on repeal of Roe v. Wade, somehow, what would you, would you like to repeal Roe v. Wade, or do you think that the […]
Daily Kos Elections ad roundup: Mike Rounds belatedly goes negative
Leading Off: • SD-Sen: Republican Mike Rounds has been roundly criticized (sorry) for taking this contest for granted and not going negative against either Democrat Rick Weiland or independent Larry Pressler. Rounds is trying to rectify that and he has two new spots (here and here). Both spots lump Weiland and Pressler together, portraying them […]
Bio-disaster hospital preparedness program another victim of Republican budget cuts
WHO health worker training in Sierra Leone. Training that we’re not paying for here. The National Institutes of Health funding has been cut. The Centers for Disease Control’s funding has been cut. Without those cuts, the Director of the NIH says, “we probably would have had a vaccine in time for this that would’ve gone […]
Bobby Jindal’s Louisiana goes all-in on Ebola paranoia
The only thing we have to fear is fireproof zombie Ebola I would shake my head at this but then I remember a sizable fraction of our nation’s leaders and would-be leaders still believe in demon possession so believing that the incinerated ashes of an Ebola victim’s worldly belongings might rise up and something-something zombie […]
Midday open thread: Web gets too crowded for political ads, 6 extra years because she was pregnant
Today’s comic by Tom Tomorrow is The counter-intuitivist: This is what you missed on Sunday Kos: Follow your passion, and don’t forget to dream, by Mark E Andersen The argle bargle blowing through the windmills of Justice Scalia’s mind, by Steven Payne Book review: ‘Latino America’ by Matt Barreto and Gary M. Segura, by Susan […]
Scott Brown’s frat buddies scream ‘f**k Jeanne Shaheen’ and call her a ‘c**t’
Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown has lived by the frat-boy image, and now we can only hope he’ll die (in a campaign sense) by the frat-boy image. Because wow, Brown’s visit to College Republicans at a University of New Hampshire homecoming tailgate party is appalling. In the video, Brown never stops smiling as several men […]
Fire on the Prairie: Two GOTV shifts for Rick Weiland available now, going fast
Rick Weiland singing his way through South Dakota There’s a populist fire sweeping the Midwestern prairie. Not only can it save Democratic control of the Senate, but it can elect a “better Democrat” in the fine Paul Wellstone tradition. The latest poll in South Dakota shows Democrat Rick Weiland within four points of beating Republican […]