The Republican Governors Association that Governor Chris Christie chairs released this attack ad a few days ago. The ad was against South Carolina Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen. With ominous music in the background, the ad ‘accuses’ Vincent Sheheen of supporting much of Obamacare. It then scolds him for refusing to support the lawsuit to […]
Stan Merriman: Ukraine – Geopolitical Chess
By Stan Merriman Originally published at Pitchforks & Populists Monday, March 3rd, 2014. Some sentimentalists have been characterizing the Ukraine crisis as a popular revNot so fast. This situation requires some careful analysis, not platitudes. Hear that CNN and mainstream media? Probably not. I’m reading as much non-mainstream press as I can to wrap my […]
Class, Race, and War. | Resistance Report One-Hour Pilot
Class, Race, and War. Host Dennis Trainor, Jr. navigates a lively panel discussion with Nicole Carty (The Other 98%), Julianna Forlano (Absurdity Today), and Joel Northam (Resistance Report contributor). Special guests also include Mychal Denzel Smith (The Nation), Kateryna Ruban (expert in Ukraine and Russian history), and Cheri Honkala (Poor Peoples Economic Human Rights […]
Obama, Ignore warmongers. We’ve done the same. Diplomacy please (VIDEO)
Warmongers are at it again. They take every chance they get to promote war. The military industrial complex wants the president to act. Do you think the moneyed interest prefer ‘strength’ over diplomacy? Is it real war that they want or a semblance of war to keep bilking us all. To be clear, no one […]
Lupita Nyong’o Best Supporting Actress Oscar Acceptance Speech (VIDEO)
Lupita Nyong’o won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress in 12 Years A Slave. Not much brings me to tears. The shear total excitement and disbelief that Lupita Nyongo displayed was so honest. What brought a wet eye however is understanding exactly what she meant when she said, “When I look down at this golden […]
Nominees for the Republican Oscar Awards are in (Just For Fun)
The 2014 Republican Oscars (Oscar Award Nominees) It has been a very busy year so far. The crazy side of the Republican Party did not disappoint. In that light here are the nominees for The Republican Oscars. Put the winners in a message below. If you feel you have better nominees, why don’t you tell […]
Alison Goodwin: Tort reform: Ten years later, who is looking out for you?
Alison Goodwin Kingwood Area Democrat Alison Goodwin exposes the fallacy that tort reform Texas style would have any effect on rates Texans pay for insurance. Alison Goodwin has faith in the American citizenry. She articulates very well that Texans were coerced into supporting a change that was not in their best interest. Alison Goodwin writes, […]
Hyperventilating about Kesha Rogers? Charles Kuffner will sooth you.
Kingwood Area Democrats had a festive tabling at the Kingwood Mardi Gras celebration in Town Center. Several voters were registered and encouraged to engage in the upcoming and important 2014 elections. I sat and had an interesting conversation with Cody Pogue. If you recall . Cody Pogue ran against Dan Huberty in district 127. He […]
Marc Croes: Once again, Ted Poe votes against Amerca’s future–Kingwood Observer
Once again Kingwood Area Democrat Marc Croes gives Kingwood and the surrounding area food for thought. Marc Croes says, On this 50th Anniversary of Texan Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty, one of the successes worth celebrating is the Head Start Program. The Head Start Program has proven to be one our most durable and successful […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right – False Obamacare Ads Will Be Fatal To The GOP Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show False Obamacare Ads Will Be Fatal To The GOP Over the last several weeks Koch Brothers funded Americans for Prosperity (AFP) has been releasing false Obamacare ads about […]