Bill Maher gave a Real Time overdue schooling to the entitled rich Friday night. Below is the transcript of the most substantive snippets of his closing New Rules. Transcript of the entitled rich schooling What is with this new trend of people who have all the power acting like they are the oppressed ones? … […]
He Got A Million+ From Medicaid Yet Will Deny Medicaid Expansion In Arkansas
The states that rejected the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) are the states with the highest rates of uninsured Americans. They account for almost 60% of the uninsured. Arkansas is one of the few southern states that accepted some form of the Medicaid Expansion. They got a waiver that gave them […]
Watch: A Robin Hood Tax To Take Back Our Economy
The Robin Hood tax, a small tax of less than ½ of 1% on Wall Street transactions can generate hundreds of billions of dollars each year in the US alone. It is an idea whose impact can be felt globally as well. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President François Hollande reiterated their support for […]
Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show Mocks Medicaid Expansion Slacker States (VIDEO)
The Daily Show mocked those that oppose Medicaid Expansion. Jon Stewart’s start of the Al Madrigal piece was great. In 2012 the Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act did not destroy the country or the constitution. But the did allow states to opt-out of the Medicaid expansion. How do the citizens of those […]
Sociopathic stance on Obamacare would be fatal to GOP if successful
Obamacare Deception How does one remain civil when talking about a party that is knowingly hurting millions of Americans? The Koch Brothers funded Americans For Progress ad featuring leukemia patient Julie Boonstra was probative. It is too easy to sit back and believe that Julie Boonstra is ignorant and stupid. She is simply like millions […]
Watch Heckler Inside Supreme Court Shout Money Is Not Speech (VIDEO)
Supreme Court infiltrated by 99Rise activists with hidden video cameras. The iron curtain of the Supreme Court was breached on Wednesday. Activists from the the group 99Rise entered the Supreme Court chamber. After videoing the session where the justice can be clearly seen, one of the activists stood up. He said the following before he […]
Radio: Move to Amend Reports w/Laura Bonham & Egberto Willies – Thurs 7:00 PM
Move To Amend Reports Thursday 7:00 PM Central Call and listen at 646-652-2345 Listen Live & Podcast Here. Move to Amend Reports Hosted by National Leadership Team members Laura Bonham and Egberto Willies, will air every Thursday at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM PT. The show will feature guests who specialize in movement building, amending […]
Democratic Senate Candidate Maxey Scherr Appeared On MSNBC (VIDEO)
Democratic Primary Senate Candidate Maxey Scherr appeared on Jansing and Co today. The segment started with a delusional Senator Ted Cruz claiming that it was President Obama and Majority Leader Senator Harry Reid who shut down the government. Of course it is common knowledge that the government was shut down by Ted Cruz, John Cornyn, […]
Koch Brothers slammed for lying Obamacare Ad That Hurts Americans (VIDEO)
America is a free country. Free speech ensures that we can say almost anything without consequence. As a society we have decided on exceptions to free speech. You cannot yell ‘fire’ in a theatre when there is no fire. You cannot yell ‘bomb’ at an airport when there is no bomb. Why, because at that […]
Ukraine Clashes Fueled By U.S. Meddling as Manifest Destiny’s Child Strikes Again
Is Ukraine Manifest Destiny’s Child? The violent clashes unfolding in Kiev are directly linked to policy decisions and money flow from Washington DC. Just as the genocide of Native Americans to make way for the U.S. colonies and our expansion westward were justified by the concept of Manifest Destiny, the fires of the tinderbox that […]