Here’s the very first Absurdity Today of 2014 featuring Chris Christie’s TOP 5 (Marginally Believable) ALIBIS FOR BRIDGEGATE 2014. Watch, enjoy, and share.
The Campaign To End All War
In this interview with David Swanson, we discuss a campaign, still in its planning stages, to eliminate “the institution of war as an acceptable enterprise for the human species.” Visiting the website, one is prompted to sign a simple two sentence pledge that reads: “I understand that wars and militarism make us less safe […]
Why Aren’t “Young Invincibles” Buying Into Obamacare? “The Obamacare We Deserve”
Obamacare’s main test? Will young invincibles buy into Obamacare so old people’s medical costs can be paid for? Young people are pretty smart. They see through what many of us have been saying about Obamacare for some time- it didn’t go far enough. Maybe we should ask young invincibles if they not buying into Obamacare […]
Hey, GOP, Stop Besmirching the Term, “The American People”
American People don’t want what Republican leadership says they do. The American People are sick of being used to justify draconian, hurtful policies the GOP implement for their own selfish desires. So stop using us to CYA. Be men and own the austerity you impose so that your corporate buddies can be enriched. We’re tired […]
Was Conservative Pundit David Brooks High On Marijuana For This One?
Anyone that read David Brooks’ latest op-ed must wonder if he was under the influence of marijuana and alcohol when he wrote it. It was likely his second most incoherent piece in as many months. Marijuana although legal in many areas can still be addictive, leading to a dependence that renders you incapable of normal […]
2013 Resistance Report Year In Review
Support the show: Subscribe – What an amazing year for the movement of movements that continues to develop here in the United States and around the world, and what an amazing first season of The Resistance Report. In this week’s special expanded episode, we take a look back at some of the most […]
President Obama, America Needs an October Sky Moment
Obama’s on vacation. At his last press conference, he looked and sounded a little flat- not as inspirational. In fact, five years into his presidency, it seems more like the 8th year than the first of his second term. No surprises he seems a little down. With all the obstructionism from the GOP on even […]
Phil Robertson, Really? Marry These girls when they’re about 15 or 16 (VIDEO)
Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson Supports Marrying Minors? It seems like Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson has a full repertoire of offensive comments. They are all showing up in videos. First we were made aware of his homophobic rant and racist condescension to blacks. This new video is simply unbelievable. Does this guy forget that this is […]
Democrats hammered for not taking moral high ground in budget deal (VIDEO)
Democrats cede the moral high ground in budget deal Democrats ceded the moral high ground in the budget deal negotiated last week. Democrats likely believed that the responsible thing to do was to take a minimal deal and live to fight another day. Democrats never seem to understand that their policies if articulated without fear […]
2013 Person of the Year: Edward Snowden
Not to be confused with a popularity contest, TIME is very clear in its criteria. It’s editors state: TIME’s Person of the Year is bestowed by the editors on the person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year. Got it? […]