Our Koch Brothers Exposed video investigation has discovered something so tragic it will haunt Charles and David Koch for years to come. Is a Koch Industries factory getting away with murder? While the brothers wage war against safety precautions, every day their factory is dumping millions of gallons of wastewater into streams that flow near […]
Seeing Rent with my old roommate
Guest post written by Karen Morgan There was a time when I lived in New York City. That was a very, very long time ago, though. It seems like almost lifetimes ago! I was young and just out of college. I had so much fun, but when it came time to settle down, I moved […]
How Far Right Has Republicans Gone? Reagan Is Now A Liberal
How do you know that today’s Republicans are out of touch with middle class America? They make Reagan, who I thought was a very conservative guy, look rather liberal relative to their stances. Afterall; Reagan supported a lenient immigration policy, Reagan supported unions, and Reagan supported debt extensions. As shown below Reagan was even for […]
WhichMitt.com–How Well Do You Know Your Romney–Great Site
I finally feel like the Democratic Party is leading the dialog as opposed to constantly being on the defensive. The fact that this site is up before Mitt Romney has even yet received the nomination is great. They have already generated websites depicting Rick Perry (Meet Rick Perry) for what he really is. If this […]
Perry fundraising raises questions on relief funds
Statesman.com Editorial Board – Published: 6:10 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011 A national audience got a look last week at Gov. Rick Perry’s fundraising prowess. Perry reported raising $17 million in the month and a half since he announced his presidential bid. The showing restored some momentum Perry lost in two debates and a […]
FOX News Geraldo Rivera Rivera Forced Out of #OccupyWallstreet w/ FOX Lies
America is coming to its senses. The young heroes at (OccupyWallstreet) are not allowing FoxNews access to further misinform the American population of what they are really protesting about. It is taking the youth to address the scourge on our democracy that is FoxNews. I am very impressed with what has been happening in New […]
We Support Diane Trautman For Harris Country Board Of Education At Large #3
We support Dr. Diane Trautman for Harris County Board of Education in 2012! We support Dr. Diane Trautman’s campaign for Harris County Board of Education because of her many years of education experience, her expert knowledge in the education field, and her passion for public service. Won’t you join us? The Honorable Sylvia Garcia The […]
Wake Up America GOP Policies Really Kills
Republican policy meet death! For those who want to follow the laissez faire policies of the Republican Party where cutting is more important than human life, do remember we all have fathers, mothers, children, grandparents, wives, husbands which at some point in time depend on having a government that regulates private industries from killing us. […]
Marc Croes Of Kingwood TX Editorial In Kingwood Observer 2011-09-28
Kingwood Area Democrat Marc Croes wrote the following excellent Letter To The Editor relative to jobs, taxes, spending, and economic activity. Marc understands what seems completely oblivious likely because of willful ignorance of most Republican leaders and their followers. Marc is a physicist and understands better than most why most of the gibberish being articulated […]
Dear America – We are sorry to have teased you with Rick Perry
This is a super funny but accurate video on our two Texas governors being in national political office and in the case of Governor Rick Perry, attempting to be the President. America, I hope you are listening. If Rick Perry does to America what he and his Republican cohorts have done to Texas, then the […]