I wrote an article last night at my blog at Coffee Party that I copied below. My Liberal Friends seem to not understand that lock in step attack on the President is unwarranted and counterproductive. While many feel they would have negotiated a better deal or would somehow be able to stand up to the […]
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America – The Daily Beast
In the article below Paul Begala lays out some truths that neither the main stream media and for sure not the right wing media will articulate or force the Republicans to explain not less defend. He uses two phrases that took me aback because the first is absolutely true and the second is the result […]
Bill Maher:American Hypocrisy – Tea Party & Most Americans Love Democratic Socialism
I will repeat this ad nauseum. It is sad that our comedians are making more sense than politicians or the voting population. Bill Maher points out the hypocrisy of Michele Bachmann’s anti-government stance. He additionally illustrates either the ineptitude or misinformed state of many of the Tea Party types like Greg T Nelson who acknowledged […]
CNBC Simon Hobbs-Republicans&Boehner To Blame For Debt Impasse – Great Nations Don’t Behave This Way
CNBC’s Simon Hobbs, by no means a Democratic sympathizer excoriated the Republicans in general and Speaker Boehner in particular on the debt ceiling debate. I have yet to see someone in the financial markets come down this hard on the Republicans ever. The problem is why did they wait this long. The following quotes from […]
The Shock Doctrine (2009) – Naomi Klein–Make Them Support The Middle Class
I read the book The Shock Doctrine several months ago. This movie narrated by Naomi Cline while not as in depth is enough to bring out the point for those who decide to open their eyes. Unfortunately most Americans have not lived as citizens of another country that has endured what Friedman/Chicago boys/Reagan/Thatcher Supply Side […]
Tea Party Darling Rep. Joe Walsh Is A Dead Beat Dad, Bachman, Government Welfare Queen. Personal Responsibility Anyone?
I must admit that at first when I decided to blog this story it was all about embarrassing loud mouth hypocrites. But as I started deciding what to write a got extremely upset. You see, Joe Walsh is one of those opportunistic congressmen that has no values or sense of personal responsibility or concern for […]
Representative Poe: Re: THE DEBT CEILING; AN AVOIDABLE DISASTER BY YOUR ACTIONS YOU ARE THREATENING THE MANDATES OF THE CONSTITUTION RATHER THAN PROMOTING THEM. You threaten our domestic Tranquility, You weaken our ability to provide for the common defense. You damage the general Welfare and You threaten rather than secure the Blessings of Liberty to […]
Kingwood Area Democrats Interviewed & Quoted At Your Houston News
Today two of Kingwood Area Democrats members (Karen Menke and Egberto Willies) were interviewed and quoted in yourkingwoodnews.com. The entire article may be read here. It was authored by Stefanie Thomas from the Kingwood Observer. The rally organized by moveon.org was attended by Kingwood Area Democrats and other Kingwood are Progressives. Some of those attending […]
Don’t Destroy The American Dream Rally At Ted Poe’s Office In Kingwood, TX
Kingwood Area Democrats and many other Progressive Kingwood residents participated in the “Don’t Destroy The American Dream” rally organized by http://moveon.org. We had an excellent showing given the short notice and the time of day and the heat of the day. It shows that Kingwood is moving in the right direction. That the Tea Party […]
Marriage In a Nutshell
The following was a short informative document put together by Bruce Menke of Kingwood Texas. Many fight about the sanctity of marriage and the reasons it must be protected as if marriage was the idol needing protection from the attacks of a big bad government. Suffice it to say, I have learned much from Bruce’s […]