Results of CPAC straw poll shows not much has changed in the GOP CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference held their conference in Washington last week. All the Conservative stars were present. They mostly pandered to what they perceived as a base that provided them little wiggle room. In fact, Mitch McConnell appeared on the […]
Coffee Party Radio: Politics Done Right – Misled About Ukraine? Obamacare makes you richer? Sat 12-1PM CST
Politics Done Right with Egberto Willies Saturday 12:00 Noon Central/1:00 PM Eastern Call In, talk and/or Listen: (646) 929-2495 Listen On Computer/Smartphone Live/Podcast: HERE This week’s show Misled About Ukraine? Obamacare makes you richer? The mainstream media has been providing a warmongering narrative about the Ukraine crisis. The journalist that broke the Iran Contra […]
Disregard The Crappy Ukraine Spin By Traditional Media. Read This!
I received the following meme from several of my Right Wing friends today. I love the back and forth between my Conservative and Right Wing friends. We generally have fun with each other. While I tend to frequent both their sources of information (Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and paid Koch trolls) as well as other […]
Conservative ideology sentences citizens to poor health and permanent poverty
One can count on Republican leadership continuously disparaging the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). They bash it on all the media networks. It is disconcerting that as quantifiable data is released, rarely are they asked to defend their proclivity for misinformation. This is a disservice to Americans that is bordering on ‘civil criminality’. Obamacare has been […]
Radio: Move to Amend Reports w/Laura Bonham & Egberto Willies – Thurs 7:00 PM
Move To Amend Reports Thursday 7:00 PM Central Call and listen at 646-652-2345 Listen Live & Podcast Here. Move to Amend Reports Hosted by National Leadership Team members Laura Bonham and Egberto Willies, will air every Thursday at 8:00 PM ET, 5:00 PM PT. The show will feature guests who specialize in movement building, amending […]
Mitch McConnell Panders, Walks Into CPAC Brandishing A Rifle (VIDEO)
Is it any wonder politicians cannot be taken seriously? Is this the ‘Wild Wild West’ of years yonder? Mitch McConnell executed the perfect pander for his audience at CPAC. He came out brandishing a rifle to the applause of the crowd. Mitch McConnell probably believes that channeling Charton Heston’s most famous and insidious phrase applies. […]
Ranking congressman Explodes At Chairman For Cutting His Mic (VIDEO)
In a very uncivil move, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) cut off the microphone of ranking Democrat on the Committee, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD). This occurred on one of Darrell Issa’s politically inspired witch hunts. In this case it is the IRS faux scandal. The IRS faux scandal involved the supposed targeting of […]
Is Net Neutrality Really Necessary? You’re Damn Right!
by Egberto Willies and Keyan Bliss (Originally Published at Common Dreams) Three weeks after Christmas, the American judiciary gave telecommunications corporations a huge present. On January 14 a federal appeals court decided to weaken the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Internet Neutrality policy by striking down the rules it adopted in 2010 to regulate Internet service […]
This candidate calls out Chris Christie’s Obamacare attack ad perfectly
The Republican Governors Association that Governor Chris Christie chairs released this attack ad a few days ago. The ad was against South Carolina Democratic Gubernatorial candidate Vincent Sheheen. With ominous music in the background, the ad ‘accuses’ Vincent Sheheen of supporting much of Obamacare. It then scolds him for refusing to support the lawsuit to […]
Stan Merriman: Ukraine – Geopolitical Chess
By Stan Merriman Originally published at Pitchforks & Populists Monday, March 3rd, 2014. Some sentimentalists have been characterizing the Ukraine crisis as a popular revNot so fast. This situation requires some careful analysis, not platitudes. Hear that CNN and mainstream media? Probably not. I’m reading as much non-mainstream press as I can to wrap my […]