Securing second vote on Brexit won’t be easy, but it is worth a try. UK leaders were foolish to allow a simple majority to resolve such an important matter.
The Rise and Fall of the White Working Class
The past is prologue. cable news outlets will devote significant attention to the Democratic Party’s struggles with white working class voters,
What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?
Numerous analysts, journalists, publications, and scholars judge Trump to be a fascist – academics, Newsweek, Salon, New Republic, Forbes
Trump Is the Price We’re Paying for Our Lost Wars
These are dangerous times calling for big new ideas, a new vision for a post-empire America that rests comfortably in a world order. Trump’s not the answer.
The Main Problem with Donald Trump: He’s a Fool
Donald Trump fits the literal definition of a fool. Professor Emeritus Walter G. Moss enumerates why Trump is a clear and present danger.