Energized women are going to serve as Trump’s chief prosecutors as long as he claims squatter’s rights to the White House.
Designer deficits for Christmas
“I am the ghost of Reaganomics,” it said. “I am the architect of the deficits that have haunted this nation for decades.”
Deposing President Donald Trump, the real Lying King
President Donald Trump’s rally in Missouri was a set-piece of distortion about taxes and the economy” that “compounded his growing legacy of false tales.
The youth vote: from apathetic to angry
Trump and fellow Republicans need the youth vote. It is for this reasons that their policies are so bewildering to most people following politics.
To err always on the side of the maniac
The NRA expects results, because in Congress’ customer-friendly approach to instruments of death, the maniac is always right.
John Young: Republicans are shameless merchants of debt
Boasting of his supposed business wizardry, Donald Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I’m the king-of-debt. I love debt.” But bankruptcy?
John Young: The NRA’s prostitution ring
That “NRA supports (fill in the blank)” is Page 1 fodder may be the greatest indictment of our political system, next to Donald Trump’s ascendancy.
Meet human needs? Nah, let’s play tea party games
The Tea Party cancer so permeates some on the Right-Wing fringe that even a natural catastrophe is not enough to shake them completely loose of the scourge.
Trump: a man with no soul (he pawned it)
If the tea party is the life force of the Republican Party, then the alt-right, the white nationalists are the life force of Trump.
Trump’s foot was on that accelerator in Charlottesville
We must not be fooled. Donald Trump is directly responsible for the death of the 32-year-old young woman in Charlottesville. He must not escape that.