I received the list below from one of my Coffee Party USA friends who emailed it to many of us. Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress Truth: The Rules of Disinformation© (Includes The 8 Traits of A Disinformationalist) by H. Michael Sweeney. These 25 rules are everywhere in media, from political debates, to television shows, to […]
Tax Cuts Only For The 1%? Can The GOP Really Be This Callous?
Last night, all but one Republican in the U.S. Senate voted against extending the payroll tax cut for 160 million working Americans and small businesses in order to protect millionaires from paying just three percent more on money they make above a million dollars. Washington Republicans put millionaire tax giveaways ahead of putting money in […]
Democrats Will Sweep 2012 If Unapologetic Populism Of Elizabeth Warren Followed
Call me naive, but I think we have the potential for a clean sweep in 2012. I think the Democrats have finally been effective in changing the discussion albeit kicking and screaming by the Occupy movement which isn’t even a Democratic movement. That said, Democrats lack of embracing the Class Warfare mantra specifically as well […]
Republicans Must Lie By Design Else No One Would Support Them Or Their Policies
It is not at all surprising that the GOP candidates are a bastion of lies, untruths, misrepresentations, and outright ignorance. The Right by design must lie. That is the only way middle class America would ever vote for their candidates. Most people don’t knowingly vote against their own interest. The GOP is effective of using […]
Class Warfare Gingrich Style
I have read that killers say that the first time they murdered someone it was very difficult. As they killed more, the sting of that evil act eventually disappeared. It became a matter of fact. Republicans for a long time has been implicitly demonizing the middle class. As the Occupy Movement began to metastasize their […]
Private Sector Job Growth Accelerates, Report Shows – NYTimes.com
Private Sector Job Growth Accelerates, Report Shows By REUTERS Published: November 30, 2011 at 9:39 AM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) – Private sector job growth accelerated in November as employers created the most jobs in nearly a year, prompting economists to raise their forecasts for Friday’s more comprehensive U.S. labor report. The ADP National […]
Why Occupy Wall Street Must Go Political–Protect IP (HR 3261 & S 968) To Derail Internet
Before I go into my prose, please click here to sign the petition against the Protect IP bill and call your 2 senators against this bill now. Our free enterprise economy depends on it. If these bills pass, corporations will own the last bastion of information dispersal available to the middle class. Now my prose. […]
Mitt Romney Lied In Attack Ad On President Obama–Let’s Review His Flip Flops & Lies
Mitt Romney lied in an attack ad on president Obama. Let’s review his flip flops & lies It was not too hard to find videos of Mitt Romney flipping and flopping and lying all over the place. I just prepared this little video. I will call it a Public Service Announcement (PSA). We will need […]
Charles Dickens Revisited by Bob Henderson chairman of Kay County, OK, Democrats
Charles Dickens Revisited by Bob Henderson If you’ve read any nineteenth-century English literature, several societal conditions leap out at you instantly. In books that accurately portray the facts of life of more than a century ago, children are the best source of cheap labor. In fact, collective bargaining is against the law. The rich invariably […]
Grover Norquist Brags About His Ownership Of Republican Congress People
If you ever wonder why our government is paralyzed you need not look much further than Grover Norquist, Conservative lobbyist and president of the taxpayer advocacy group Americans For Tax Reform. He has collected the signatures of scores of Republican senators and congress people on a Taxpayer Protection Pledge that prohibits them from raising taxes […]