On Fox Business Channel the other day a billionaire CEO slipped up and revealed the truth about Trump’s cabinet. Here’s my take on what was revealed.
John Young: Donald Trump will make it up as he goes along
Those who oppose what Trump stands for “need to do as much as they can to get American politics out of reality-show mode.”
Robert Reich: The 15 Warnings Signs of Impending Tyranny
The warnings about Donald Trump has been incessant. It is important that all the signs of tyranny are in all of our purviews.
Does Facebook Tell Users Everything It Really Knows About Them?
The Facebook site shows users how Facebook categorizes them. It doesn’t reveal the data it is buying about their offline lives.
The Overlooked, Under-Reported and Ignored Stories of 2016
BillMoyers.com asks reporters, editors and bloggers which key story they feel the mainstream media failed to cover adequately over the last 12 months.
Robert Reich: My Wishes for Obama’s Parting Shots
In the waning days of the Obama administration, Robert Reich recommends that Obama takes the following last actions as his parting shots.
Response to: ‘The Democratic Party Was Pro Slavery in the 19th Century’
Republicans love reminding Democratic Party liberals that the Republican Party “freed the slaves.” as a slight against blacks’ support of the party.
To mute or not to mute the loud leader, Donald Trump
Are we to jerk to attention every time the man, Donald Trump flexes his wrist cartilage for a nonsensical or hyperbolic tweet?
Star Wars actor Fisher dies at 60: People
Carrie Fisher, who rose to fame as Princess Leia in the “Star Wars” films and endured substance abuse problems, died on Tuesday,
Trump’s Attack on the Freedom of the Press Examined (VIDEO)
Historically, tyrants have tried to control the freedom of the press using 4 techniques that, worryingly, Donald Trump is already using.