It wasn’t just Democrats who won this election, but progressives who didn’t shirk the label.
John Young: Republicans are shameless merchants of debt
Boasting of his supposed business wizardry, Donald Trump told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I’m the king-of-debt. I love debt.” But bankruptcy?
Yet Another Analysis Shows How Trump-GOP Tax Scam Will Bury Middle-Class
The Trump/Republican tax cut scam will hurt the middle-class even though they sold it as tax relief for middle-class Americans. YOU PAY MORE.
Robert Reich: Donald Trump’s tax cut Trojan Horse (VIDEO)
They’re selling this to the public with a false claim that the middle-class will benefit from their tax cut plan. It’s a gigantic Trojan horse.
How I Can Offer Reparations in Direct Proportion to My White Privilege
What it looks like to pay for the unearned advantages my whiteness, my white privilege has afforded me throughout my life.
How I Confronted My Own Privilege as a Person of Color
The ongoing discourse over racial injustice in my adopted country has had me thinking of my own upbringing in India. Privilege?
Opioid Addicts Get Compassion. Crack Addicts Get Mass Incarceration
Communities are scrambling to save opioid addicted lives and get people into rehabilitation, but it wasn’t always that way. Remember the response to crack?
Robert Reich: America now has six political parties (VIDEO)
The old Democratic and Republican parties are exploding. When you take a closer look, America actually has six political parties right now.
Raj Patel on How to Break Away from Capitalism
Understanding the history of the world and our centuries-long drive toward cheapness provides a blueprint for breaking away from capitalism.
Marketing Global Suicide, CIA Infiltrates Academia, Docs Reveal US Supported Genocide (VIDEO)
Most ads on TV market global suicide and we’re programmed not to see it. A profit-driven system begets media that endlessly justify consumption and …