Donald Trump’s outbursts are getting downright disturbing and Robert Reich is doing a great job in deconstruction this illegitimate president.
It is time that Americans boycott Trump to send a message (VIDEO)
Americans who want tot get Donald Trump’s attention must send him a message in the only manner he understands, green, a boycott.
If it’s an ‘enemy,’ why must press serve as Trump’s chump?
A boycott of Trump press conferences is in order, as would be a walk-out the next time the prevaricator-in-chief reduces fact to factory fumes.
Subpoena the man; put him under oath (UPDATED)
It is time to subpoena Trump and them all. Hands on the Bible for the second time in a few days. Subpoena those tax records first.
Trump vs. Truth: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Donald Trump spreads a lot of false information thanks to his daily consumption of morning cable news. If only we could sneak some facts into the president’s media diet.
The impermanence of Trump, the Temporary President
While many fear the infection that is occurring throughout government with Donald Trump’s destructive policy proposals, remember it is temporary.
Listen to the river, Mr. President
“The river has taught me to listen; you will learn from it, too,” Herman Hesse’s line is about water, but it certainly could apply to a stream of people.
Trump’s First Days: I Thought I Was Done Grieving but I Was Wrong
Like many liberals and progressives, I was shocked and dismayed after the election of Donald Trump, and I went through a very real “grieving” process
Vipers of the Echo Chamber – Republicans on the move
Republicans have designs that have fermented in darkened catacombs for decades. Every idea would harm those who need help and help those who don’t.
Trump’s Plan to Neuter the White House Press Corps, and Neuter Our Democracy
Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control. Is that what Donald Trump is doing?