Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control. That’s why Trump’s so-called “news conference”
Donald Trump, A Lawless Man entering the White House
January 20th, 2017 will be a dark day for our nation, and a portent of even more dire days ahead, because Trump will be president of the United States.
Big Brother Brings You President Donald Trump
Facebook, Google and the rest of the digital marketing industry have helped unleash powerful and unaccountable forces that helped elect our next president.
The Dangerous Normalization of Donald Trump
Americans are living through the dangerous effort to normalize the abnormal candidate Donald Trump who won the presidency wi/3 million popular vote deficit.
John Young: Donald Trump will make it up as he goes along
Those who oppose what Trump stands for “need to do as much as they can to get American politics out of reality-show mode.”
To mute or not to mute the loud leader, Donald Trump
Are we to jerk to attention every time the man, Donald Trump flexes his wrist cartilage for a nonsensical or hyperbolic tweet?
Trump’s Attack on the Freedom of the Press Examined (VIDEO)
Historically, tyrants have tried to control the freedom of the press using 4 techniques that, worryingly, Donald Trump is already using.
Chatting With Trump Supporters
Donald Trump is Time magazine’s person of the year, but the most interesting aspect of America’s story this year isn’t the man himself.
Why President Trump Will Continue Holding Rallies
It is no accident why President-elect Donald Trump continues to have rallies he claims are ‘Thank You’ rallies even though the election is over.
What Was 2016 About? Who We Are and What Values We Cherish
Not all presidential elections are created equal. Every election is a choice, of course, but the choices are not equally consequential.