What most people who reference Dr. King seem not to know is how Dr. King actually changed the subjective experience of life in the United States for African Americans
After Arkansas man vandalized mosque, members paid off his fines to prevent jail
Abraham Davis made a bad decision to drive two friends to a nearby mosque so they could vandalize the building with swastikas and hateful messages
NYT’s ‘Trump Effect’ Mainly the Effect of Higher Oil Prices
if we think that Trump is responsible for the rise in world oil prices, then he can reasonably be given credit for the uptick in investment that has occurred during his administration; otherwise, there is not much for him to boast about.
For Those Who Have Traded Faith for Power, There’s a Comeuppance Ahead
Evangelical Christians feel as if they have a new access to power. They have traded Christianity and Morality to get some Trump reward.
Robert Reich: New Year’s Update for Trump Voters
Robert Reich has a direct message for Trump voters with the expectation that they will come to the realization that the man they voted for is a verifiable con man.
Robert Reich: A year with Donald Trump – A frightening experience
That Senator Orrin Hatch and other Republicans don’t seem to recognize that Donald Trump is a clear and present danger is itself frightening.
Right-wing Groups Plan to Spend Millions to Convince Americans GOP Tax Scam Is Actually Good for Them
While Trump says tax plan is “selling itself,” GOP Right-Wing donor groups launch major advertising campaign amid growing opposition.
#Metoo to Donald Trump: #Youtoo
Energized women are going to serve as Trump’s chief prosecutors as long as he claims squatter’s rights to the White House.
Robert Reich: A Guide to Why the Trump-Republican Tax Plan is a Disgrace
Here are some facts you need to confront your Republican uncle Bob during the holidays that should keep him entirely in check.
The Missing Piece in the Democrats’ Plan to Victory
If progressives are to ever discover a strategy out of the wilderness of political defeat it will have to be, in part, written in the language of faith.