The ACA has failed to control costs so to tell readers otherwise comes across less as factchecking than as a partisan defense of the ACA.
No, Obamacare Has Not Reduced Premium Inflation
Many insist that the rate at which employer-sponsored premiums have grown has slowed dramatically since passage of the Obamacare. It’s not true.
Meet human needs? Nah, let’s play tea party games
The Tea Party cancer so permeates some on the Right-Wing fringe that even a natural catastrophe is not enough to shake them completely loose of the scourge.
Elizabeth Warren: Why I’m Co-Sponsoring Bernie’s Medicare for All Bill
Health care is a basic human right – and it’s time to fight for it. Please join me in signing on as a citizen co-sponsor of Medicare for All.
Boomtown, Flood Town
Climate change will bring more frequent and fierce rainstorms to cities like Houston. Unchecked development remains a priority in the famously un-zoned city
How Did Workers Win the Right to Form a Union and Go on Strike?
When unions are busted and removed from the bargaining table, both the union worker and the nonunion employee suffer.
Why CEOs are turning on Donald Trump
Donald Trump continues to do all that is necessary to lose more and more of his base. CEOs turning on Donald Trump are the latest self-inflicting would.
What Trump and His Team Have Wrecked So Far
While distracting ourselves with the latest tweet and silly statements, Donald Trump and his team are decimating dismantling all that we hold dear.
To This German Historian, the Implications of Trump’s Pardon of Sheriff Arpaio Are Ominous
The Joe Arpaio pardon speaks more about President Donald Trump than it does of the racist, xenophobic Arizona ex-sheriff.
Trump Is Failing Because He’s a New Yorker, Argues Incoherent WaPo Op-Ed
Every now and then a major op-ed comes along that is so badly written and thought out, it defies normal categorization. This one on Trump eats the cake.