It is time to put the 2016 election in the past and unite the Democratic Party for the fight ahead. This thoughtful Millennial is ready as are many others.
Paul Ryan Doesn’t Love Free Market Healthcare; He Loves Giving Money to Rich People
The New York Times is again spreading the absurd myth that House Speaker Paul Ryan and other Republicans want a free market in healthcare.
Mass Arrests of Protesters: Outrageous in Russia, Barely Worth Mentioning in US
Major media’s relative lack of interest in the mass arrests by Metro DC police on Inauguration Day is a fact noted by activists and journalists.
NPR’s ‘Varied Mix’ Spotlights Right-Wing Advocacy, Not Progressive Populism
Offering the anti-Trump Goldberg a platform is NPR’s way of providing a “counterbalance” to its widely perceived liberal worldview.
While Attacks in Israel Make Headlines, Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Ignored
The recent acute humanitarian crisis in Gaza on top of the routine humanitarian crisis that defines everyday existence there has gotten sparse coverage in US media.
Images of Arabs (Palestinians) on the Screen
Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip are being beaten, arrested and killed, CBS TV chose to portray them as terrorists and not victims.
The Arab Stereotype: A Villain Without a Human Face
Trends are not uniformly bleak. Perhaps one day it will be possible to retire the stereotypical Arab to a media Valhalla.
America in Crisis: Dangerous Flaws in the Structure of Our Government Could Lead to Our Undoing
If American democracy these days is in crisis, the structure of our government is part of the problem. This goes beyond the issues of flawed democracy.
America in Crisis: Donald Trump Ascribes to His Victims What He Does to Them (VIDEO)
The degeneration of political life in America was the subject of much commentary in 2016: commentary on the way Donald Trump came to power.
The ACA Had Just Begun to Fix Rural America’s Health Care Inequality
The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010 began to change this as more rural Americans gained insurance coverage and rural hospitals strived.