Say you’re Vladimir Putin, and you did a deal with Donald Trump last year, what did Trump likely agree to do for the Russians?
7 Reasons Why Trump’s Corporate Tax Cut is Completely Nuts (VIDEO)
Trump wants to cut the corporate income tax rate from 35 percent to 15 percent, in order to “make the United States more competitive.” That tax cut is nuts.
Be Warned, Donald Trump: Ghosts Are Everywhere
If Trump continues to pursue a policy of isolation and disregard, the ghosts of Europe and beyond again could thunder back to life.
Our Entire Economy Is Based On A Massive LIE That Is Killing People (VIDEO)
Lee Camp used his Redacted Tonight show to point out an inconsistency in free market capitalism as defined vs. the reality of its implementation.
How Not to Balance the Budget on the Backs of the Poor
Donald Trump wants to slash Medicaid, Social Security disability, & food stamps in order to expand the military & give the rich & corporations big tax cuts.
The Shameful Way Donald Trump Is Like Andrew Jackson
Donald Trump avows his admiration for Andrew Jackson and seeks to identify with him and He displays a portrait of Jackson in the Oval Office.
Robert Reich: Trump’s Rollback of Civil Rights
Trump’s budget isn’t just about massive tax cuts for the and huge cuts for the poor. He also wants to roll back civil rights under his proposed budget.
Making America Meaner
A president contributes to setting the norms of our society. Trump is setting them at a new low for America, the country that purports to be free.
Senate Republicans are Screwed on Trumpcare and They Know It.
Very soon Senate Republicans will have to decide what to do about Trumpcare. Their choice is severely limited. And they know it.
Elite Media Need to Recognize Assaults on Reporters as a Pattern–and a Threat
Mainstream media must come down hard on all those who attempt to stifle the free press’ constitutional right and duty. They cannot succumb to intimidation.