Imagine these Indivisible groups as cells in a vast progressive network that includes more than 6000 Indivisible chapters plus other orgs.
Robert Reich: Three Terrifying Reasons for Donald Trump’s Latest Rant
Donald Trump’s outbursts are getting downright disturbing and Robert Reich is doing a great job in deconstruction this illegitimate president.
The Republican Party Owes the American People an Apology, and So Do We
While the Republican Party is doing what is expected of them, Progressives and Democratic Socialist, and leftist are complicit.
It is time that Americans boycott Trump to send a message (VIDEO)
Americans who want tot get Donald Trump’s attention must send him a message in the only manner he understands, green, a boycott.
Downplaying US Contribution to Potential Yemen Famine
A recent UN report has led to a rare instance of Western media taking notice of the war and its catastrophic famine creating effect in Yemen.
Robert Reich: Seven Signs of Tyranny (VIDEO)
As tyrants take control of democracies, they typically do seven things. And how many of them have Donald Trump done this early in his administration?
If it’s an ‘enemy,’ why must press serve as Trump’s chump?
A boycott of Trump press conferences is in order, as would be a walk-out the next time the prevaricator-in-chief reduces fact to factory fumes.
Why Trumponomics Fails
Trumponomics economics is pure demagoguery. Xenophobic grandstanding doesn’t boost the competitiveness of American workers.
The Republican Tax Sham continues and will continue to destroy America (VIDEO)
Watch your wallets. Republicans are pushing a new corporate tax plan that will end up costing most of you a bundle, a new tax sham.
Subpoena the man; put him under oath (UPDATED)
It is time to subpoena Trump and them all. Hands on the Bible for the second time in a few days. Subpoena those tax records first.