The general mindlessness in choosing a stock photo is what makes these images to supposedly capture the articles on Iran so pernicious.
Murdoch-Owned Media’s Radical Climate Denial in the Face of Disaster
Wall Street Journal’s glib snark over Hurricane Harvey completes its Fox News-ification, climate change denial codified in conservative media.
Mass Arrests of Protesters: Outrageous in Russia, Barely Worth Mentioning in US
Major media’s relative lack of interest in the mass arrests by Metro DC police on Inauguration Day is a fact noted by activists and journalists.
While Attacks in Israel Make Headlines, Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Ignored
The recent acute humanitarian crisis in Gaza on top of the routine humanitarian crisis that defines everyday existence there has gotten sparse coverage in US media.
As Democratic Voters Shift Left, ‘Liberal Media’ Keep Shifting Right
Democrats move left while nominally liberal media—or major media whose editorial line is reliably pro-Democratic—have drifted rightward.
Declining to Label Lies, NPR Picks Diplomacy Over Reality
After much back and forth, NPR finally clarified its editorial stance on when it is and isn’t appropriate to call a lie a lie.