Paul Ryan who has declined to endorse the presumptive Republican nominee, made comment as Trump chasm between party leaders widens
Trump changes tune on tax hikes for rich
Donald Trump’s ability to switch back and forth with positions with poor media scrutiny could be his trump card to win the election.
Sarah Palin backs Paul Ryan’s primary opponent as GOP civil war deepens
Former VP nominee disapproves of Speaker Paul Ryan’s refusal to back Trump. Predicts same fate as Eric Cantor, House leader beaten in the primary.
Unhappy with the Obama economy, voters are buying what Trump’s selling
Voters may be convinced by Trump’s words the economy. That could spell trouble for his opponent if it is Hillary Clinton.
London elects Muslim mayor despite conservative tactics
Sadiq Khan of Britain’s opposition Labour Party was sworn in as Mayor of London on Saturday, becoming the first Muslim to head a major European capital
Paul Ryan declines to support Donald Trump as Republican standard-bearer
House speaker Paul Ryan, the highest-ranking elected Republican official in the US, has said he does not yet support Donald Trump for GOP nominee.
FBI likely to interview Clinton soon in emails probe
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is likely to interview Hillary Clinton in the next few weeks about her use of a private email server
Bernie Sanders pulls off shock victory in Indiana Democratic primary
Despite trailing Clinton in polls, Bernie Sanders once again proved his appeal to disaffected midwest voters by pulling off his 18th victory of 2016.
Trump closer to GOP victory & Ted Cruz gets unhinged (VIDEO)
Ted Cruz gets unhinged as Donald Trump starts to consolidate a win as the Republican nominee for President of the United States.
Incidents of toddlers shooting others or themselves increasing, data shows
Seven US toddlers have injured or killed someone with guns in past two weeks. 23 shootings by small kids this year, 18 this time last year