It is time to put the 2016 election in the past and unite the Democratic Party for the fight ahead. This thoughtful Millennial is ready as are many others.
At Sea with Capt. ‘Wrong Way’ Trump
A rudderless ship of state creates chaos and erratically steers us into a feckless foreign policy. We got this obvious result for electing a toddler.
AirBnB Host Refuses To Rent To Asian Woman: “It’s Why We Have Trump.” (VIDEO)
Another Trump supporter, an Airbnb Host, feeling perfectly comfortable being a nasty racist and using the election of Donald Trump as an excuse for it.
Indivisible: A Social Action Startup for Democracy
Imagine these Indivisible groups as cells in a vast progressive network that includes more than 6000 Indivisible chapters plus other orgs.
The Electoral College: a threat to our Republic. It must go, sooner than later (VIDEO)
History will likely show that Clinton won the popular vote by almost two million more votes than Trump votes while losing the election.
Explain why Democrats, after 8 years, should treat your party any differently than you treated ours
My hope is to help Hillary supporters process their feelings and also inform Trump supporters about what liberals are going through.
Bashing, intimidating huge swathes of the electorate is a bizarre get-out-the-vote strategy
Exercise your right to vote your values if only to spite those who would almost certainly take that right from you.
Just Say NO to Elizabeth Fagen by Patty Pinkley
Patty Pinkley did some digging on Humble ISD new Superintendent Elizabeth Fagen and what she continues to find maker Fagen a problem for the district.
Will Sanders Campaign Adequately Fund the Grassroots to Win Big in the West and Ensure Fair Elections?
Sanders supporters believe that Bernie’s key to winning Western States with more than 60% of the vote is to invest funds in grassroots efforts.
The Invisibility of U.S. Oligarchs: The Case of Penny Pritzker
If anyone doubts the power of the Oligarchy over the press, this story points out why Americans can never trust the media gatekeepers to inform.