Democrats have to fight with every step and every breath the reign of the man who placed second in the popular vote and says he won by a landslide.
Resurrecting Another ‘Big Lie’: The Myth of Social Security as ‘Ponzi Scheme’
This especially ugly Social Security lie resurfaces periodically like the Loch Ness Monster and is devoid of proof, but at least that fake is harmless.
Forget Fascism. It’s Anarchy We Have to Worry About
Anarchy was built right into the Republican plan. This is more clear than ever and was in display during the AHCA debate for all to see.
The Scary Parallels Between Trump and Mussolini
Comparisons between Trump(ism) and Fascism have become frequent and with good reason. These comparisons are strongest between Trump and Mussolini
No, Paul, It Wasn’t Because of “Growing Pains”
House Speaker Paul Ryan, in his press conference following the demise of his bill to replace Obamacare, blamed Republicans who had failed to grasp that the GOP was now a “governing party.”
Blind fury: F-rating for wreckage from Trumpcare
If Trumpcare ever passes the House, moderation must win in the Senate on Trumpcare. Alarmed voters must work on ending GOP reign in Congress in 2018.
Black Man Stabbed to Death by White Supremacist–Then Smeared by Media
A white 28-year-old man, took a Bolt bus up to New York City Monday for the express purposes of killing a black man and did just that. See the media slant.
If Andrew Jackson Is Trump’s Hero, What Can We Learn from that?
In the official White House photo of President Donald Trump talking by phone on February 1 with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a portrait of President Andrew Jackson is seen prominently above and behind Trump’s left shoulder.
Rep. Steve King’s Shameful Tweet Has a Long Shameful History
King’s claim, while provocative, is not new. Since the nation was founded, Americans have questioned how to integrate immigrants into the nation.
Lawmaker says U.S. foreign surveillance ‘unmask’ Trump associates
The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee set off a political firestorm by tipping Trump to the investigation.