There are two kinds of liars – fools and knaves. Fools lie because they don’t know the truth. Knaves lie because they intend to mislead.
How Internet Co-ops Can Protect Us From Net Neutrality Rollbacks
Smaller internet service providers offer alternatives and could disrupt the monopolies and disrupt net neutrality attackers.
Patriotism, Taxes, and Trump
Selling the Trump-Republican tax plan should be awkward for an administration that has made patriotism its central theme.
Capitalism Is Not the Only Choice
We have opportunities every day to build economies that lift each other up and spread joy without the indoctrination of capitalism
Will Trump’s Election One Year Ago Prove to Be a Turning Point for Women’s Equality?
Women have tended to make the greatest strides toward political, social, and economic equality during times of turmoil and unrest.
The Pathological Refusal to Report the Simple Truth About Presidential Lying
The absurd lengths to which corporate media will go to avoid calling presidential lying what they are has been readily apparent in the past month.
Spinning E-Commerce as Rust Belt’s Salvation
Are e-commerce companies really putting back life into the Rust Belt or is it simply sowing the seeds of its upcoming demise?
To err always on the side of the maniac
The NRA expects results, because in Congress’ customer-friendly approach to instruments of death, the maniac is always right.
Let’s Just Admit It: Capitalism Doesn’t Work
“In the Soviet Union, capitalism triumphed over communism. In this country, capitalism triumphed over democracy.”—Fran Lebowitz
Lindsey Graham Latest Republican to Admit GOP Tax Plan Is All About Keeping Financial Contributions of Donors Flowing
Republicans are literally out here warning each other that their big donors will stop writing checks if they don’t do their bidding.