Robert Reich: If Trump’s poll numbers continue to plummet, particularly among Republicans and Independent, twenty-two House Republicans will help impeach.
100 Days of Media Hoping for a New, Improved Trump
Nearly 100 days into the Trump presidency, corporate media are still struggling to reckon with the man that occupies the White House.
At Sea with Capt. ‘Wrong Way’ Trump
A rudderless ship of state creates chaos and erratically steers us into a feckless foreign policy. We got this obvious result for electing a toddler.
The Alarming Worldwide Alliance of Parties on the Far Right
Political parties on the far right are today enjoying a surge of support and access to government power that they have not experienced.
Why Trump Was Able to Sucker the World on Syria
It is pretty amazing how quickly the media and suck-up politicians can transform an incompetent leader. Bomb Syria and not much more?
AirBnB Host Refuses To Rent To Asian Woman: “It’s Why We Have Trump.” (VIDEO)
Another Trump supporter, an Airbnb Host, feeling perfectly comfortable being a nasty racist and using the election of Donald Trump as an excuse for it.
The Scary Parallels Between Trump and Mussolini
Comparisons between Trump(ism) and Fascism have become frequent and with good reason. These comparisons are strongest between Trump and Mussolini
Blind fury: F-rating for wreckage from Trumpcare
If Trumpcare ever passes the House, moderation must win in the Senate on Trumpcare. Alarmed voters must work on ending GOP reign in Congress in 2018.
If Andrew Jackson Is Trump’s Hero, What Can We Learn from that?
In the official White House photo of President Donald Trump talking by phone on February 1 with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, a portrait of President Andrew Jackson is seen prominently above and behind Trump’s left shoulder.
Lawmaker says U.S. foreign surveillance ‘unmask’ Trump associates
The Republican chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee set off a political firestorm by tipping Trump to the investigation.