New York Times is giving bad advice. A column suggests that you rat-out undocumented immigrants who confided in you about their immigration status.
Listen to the river, Mr. President
“The river has taught me to listen; you will learn from it, too,” Herman Hesse’s line is about water, but it certainly could apply to a stream of people.
WaPo Factcheck Attack on Sanders’ ACA Warning at Odds With Actual Facts
If you are going to factcheck it is imperative that you get it right and WaPo needs to learn that in a quick manner lest it loses further credibility.
Trump’s First Days: I Thought I Was Done Grieving but I Was Wrong
Like many liberals and progressives, I was shocked and dismayed after the election of Donald Trump, and I went through a very real “grieving” process
It’s Austerity, Not Globalization, That Pulls European Workers to the Right
The New York Times and The Washington Post got it all wrong about globalization causing a rightward move. Austerity is the culprit ignored.
Hey, New York Times – The ‘Relentless Populist’ Relented Long Ago
New York Times: “It remains an open question whether he will continue to be the relentless populist who was on display on Friday” REALLY?
The Life of the Party: 7 Truths Democrats better accept and act on now
The ongoing contest between the Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders wings of the Democratic Party continues to divide Democrats. It’s urgent Democrats stop squabbling and recognize seven basic truths: The Party is on life support. Democrats are in the minority in both the House and Senate, with no end in sight. Since the start of […]
NYT Ignored Reality at 2001 Bush Inauguration; Now Ignorance Is History
The New York Times, our national newspaper of record cannot seem to get its reporting straight as they forgot about Bush the last illegitimate president.
The Real Challenge to Democracy Isn’t Fake News, It’s Gerrymandering
GOP so deeply gerrymandered congressional delegations they’re guaranteed between 60 and 80 percent of blue and purple districts.
Vipers of the Echo Chamber – Republicans on the move
Republicans have designs that have fermented in darkened catacombs for decades. Every idea would harm those who need help and help those who don’t.