Exploring gun issues thoughtfully is not as easy as replaying footage of people screaming and running. But it’s more likely to move us forward.
Two Charts on the Gun Crisis: One Hopeful, One Hopeless
Charts debunk the standard right-wing talking point that Chicago proves that gun control doesn’t work but it’s an uphill battle.
To Make Trump’s Economy Looks Good, It Helps to Not Look Very Hard
The guy apparently knows literally nothing about the economy and is so ignorant he doesn’t even know how little he knows, maybe as little as Trump.
Corporate Media Analysts’ Indifference to US Journalists Facing 70 Years in Prison
For over two years, many in corporate media have been trumpeting the looming threat to a free press posed by Donald Trump but their own?
Vox Hedges Headline in Fit of Single-Payer Skepticism
A perfect illustration of how difficult the single-payer battle is going to be given the ‘Liberal ‘Media’s’ complicity in maligning it.
Corporate Media’s Soft Spot for Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner
Protecting their reputations so Ivanka and Jared can survive the Trump administration’s already toxic legacy is really what’s going on.
The Sickness of American Health care – Media distorts real problem
Media fixation on a small fraction of America’s patients distorts health care system’s real problems that need addressing.
Factchecking the Factcheckers including those that lean left
The ACA has failed to control costs so to tell readers otherwise comes across less as factchecking than as a partisan defense of the ACA.
No, Obamacare Has Not Reduced Premium Inflation
Many insist that the rate at which employer-sponsored premiums have grown has slowed dramatically since passage of the Obamacare. It’s not true.
Net Neutrality Reduced to Mogul vs. Mogul in Corporate Media’s Shallow Coverage
A common refrain in popular news media is that net neutrality is just too boring and esoteric for ordinary people to be interested in.