It is time to put the 2016 election in the past and unite the Democratic Party for the fight ahead. This thoughtful Millennial is ready as are many others.
Polls Showed Sanders Had a Better Shot of Beating Trump–but Pundits Told You to Ignore Them
Sanders was out-polling Trump in the general election by an average of 10 or so points, whereas Clinton was only slightly ahead.
Another Election Loser: Corporate Media ‘Bigly’ and Bad polls
For those who have bemoaned the mediocrity of corporate media, this might appear as a well-deserved comeuppance, but it upends decades of wisdom.
Who Will Win on election day? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
After events and controversies, there is growing evidence that Hillary Clinton should do better than originally predicted in May.
#DrainTheSwamp: Of all the bombshells, the leaked debate questions are among the most infuriating
Of all that’s been revealed, a *relatively* trivial Clinton revelation makes me the angriest.
Trump-Clinton debates: A most substantive takeaway
Hillary Clinton said Donald Trump would be Putin’s puppet. Trump’s rejoinder was that he was rubber and she was glue. Touché.
2016 In Context: The Boomers’ Civil War Continues with 2016 (VIDEO)
Even though Obama’s triumph over Hillary Clinton & McCain in 2008 was supposed to empower the Gen-Xers, the Baby Boomer generation set the agenda in 2016.
Hillary Clinton, Paul Ryan, and the Crisis of American Capitalism
Hillary Clinton won’t be the only winner when Donald Trump and his fellow haters are defeated on Election Day. Another will be Paul Ryan,
Why All Progressives Must Vote For Hillary
I continue to hear from many people who call themselves progressives or liberals, but tell me they won’t vote for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election.
Robert Reich’s Wishful Thinking: First Hundred Days after November 8
Robert Reich has a dream that all progressives must ensure that it becomes the country’s reality, holding Hillary Clinton to the Democratic platform.